The intersection of Preservation and Creation

Being alive means not being cut off from the flow of time or separated from the changing world around us. We unravel the value from the accumulation of time and spin it again in the current context.

With respect for the past, we instill the absolute “now” into the interwoven value. In this way, the driving force for fostering culture exists at the intersection of Preservation and Creation.

In the past, both Preservation and Creation existed together in a single progression. However, with the establishment of legal concepts and frameworks for cultural properties and cultural heritages, the focus has been on Preservation. Those efforts have been detached from the continuing flow of Creation that is part of our day to day lives.

Our aspiration for cultural heritages is to return to the flow of life in which Preservation and Creation coexist.

Just as we gain a new perspective on classic art when it is curated, we have to open a new page to view the value of cultural inheritance from the perspective of global change. Even if the heritage is an ugly ruin or witness to a miserable history from which we want to look away, it has an important role to serve as a marker in the flow of time, which can help us to understand its own accumulated experiences and memories.

It is only because the fragments of culture remain in our environment that we can recognize and share the world we know and live in, with these remnants as cues. However, the fragments do not always remain in an orderly manner, nor is the link to current life always clear.

For these reasons, we aim to interpret the interrelationships between the elements and conceive “A design to connect and join”: to revitalize the links from the past into the present and the future.

Our mission starts with digging out the intrinsic value of the cultural inheritance to pass on to the future. We learn from the earthen layers and the unearthed artifacts, the traces left on places and buildings, and historic documents and materials.

All the traces have their own stories. We discover their unique and intrinsic value without feeling restrained by their scarcity, or by their established paradigm as “a heritage.” Through this process, we redefine the value of the cultural inheritance from the historic context, the environment, and the time and setting, as well as by searching the markers within our lives.

These cues, including historic and archaeological traces, are spun into the redefined new value. Damaged parts, if there are any, are repaired. In this way, we breathe life into the cultural inheritance so that it can be revitalized for the present and the future.

“Design for Heritage” It is a universe of things, a respect for what was and is there. A belief to pass on to the future. Our mission is to present our designs at the intersection of Preservation and Creation. This is the antithesis of the “cultural heritage” which is categorized within legal concepts and paradigms, and a modest challenge to the “modern times” in which such norms and rules were established.

Yuto Nishimura









“Design for Heritage” それは、森羅万象、そこに在るもの、在ったものへの敬意と、それを未来に引き継ぐための意志、「守る」ことと「創る」ことの境界線上からデザインを発信したいという私たちの姿勢、そして「近代」に対するささやかな挑戦のための合言葉でもある。
