




5.Design for Heritageの目指す世界
“Design for Heritage” は、森羅万象そこに在るもの在ったものへのリスペクトから出発し、それを現在・未来に引き継ぐために、「まもる」ことと「つくる」ことの境界線上からデザインすることをミッションとした集団です。D4Hは、遺産を「まもる」だけの対象から、「つくる」ことと一体となった創造的な世界の中に、もう一度位置づけなおし、現在を生きる人々の暮らしのなかの価値にしていくことを目指します。そのために、あらゆる分野を横断するリサーチとデザインを強みに、現代の豊かさにつながる遺産の在り方を探求し続けます。


Weaving heritage into life

  1. At the intersection of conservation and creation
    At one time, the concepts of conservation and creation were not so distinct—as part of a process that was integrated into people’s lives, the pleasure of creating and cultivating things was intertwined with the necessity of maintaining them. We believe that culture is driven by this interaction between conservation and creation. Design for Heritage (D4H) strives to return to this earlier way of thinking by reintegrating the value of cultural resources or heritage, usually set aside for special conservation, into the constant flow of creation.
  2. Fragments of culture

    Just as people develop new ways of seeing and appreciating artworks and artifacts as time passes, we believe the value of cultural heritage is constantly redefined through different eras.
    So long as a piece of heritage remains in the real world—whether in its original form or altered over time, even in ruin or as a reminder of tragic history—it continues to influence our lives, memories, and values.
    Every fragment of culture is embedded in our real environment as certain, direct information that enables us to perceive the world, share a common experience, and recognize where we are even amid the flow of time. Heritage provides us a point of entry and chance to think about the time and place in which it was created.
    However, these cultural fragments are not always neatly arranged where we can see them, nor integrated into contemporary life, instead existing as relics of the past that have been displaced from everyday life or lost amid the incoherence of other objects.

  3. Uncovering buried value

    Our work begins by uncovering buried value. We trace the origins of objects back through time, drawing on historic documents and clues such as fractured soil layers, excavated artifacts, and traces left behind in places and buildings. We believe that everything has a unique story. We always seek out the essential value of each object, regardless of how common or scarce, or the way it is ordinarily understood. We aim to reconnect that value with the broader landscape, environment, time, and historical context by searching for how that value can be unleashed, places where it can be reanimated, and made relevant to the lives of people now alive, in the present and the future. D4H devotes energy to research that spans from uncovering value to discovering new dimensions and redefining value.

  4. Restoration and design

    The core of our work is heritage restoration. We fix the scars of unearthed fragments, combine old and new materials, adjust how fragments relate to each other, and re-place them within the flow of time and the environment. Yet this is often not enough to connect heritage to contemporary life. We believe that in order for historical heritage to come alive in the present and future, it is necessary to design points of contact with modern lifestyles. Our philosophy of design entails adding new elements that serve as points of contact, contemplating the contemporary meaning of heritage, and drawing a roadmap to the future. Design can play a subtle or prominent role as the thread that ties fragments together, the bridge that links disconnected moments in time, and the window onto the hidden value of heritage.

  5. Design for Heritage’s vision
    Design for Heritage sees its mission as the pursuit of design at the intersection of conservation and creation. This approach is rooted in respect for all that exists or has existed, in order to bring it forward into the present and future. D4H aims to transform heritage from merely an object of conservation and relocate it as part of a creative world where conservation is integrated with creation, unlocking everyday value for people alive today. We will continue to leverage our strengths in multidisciplinary research and design in the search for how heritage can lead to richness for people in the present.